Come all ye faithful – Italian Carol


Come all ye faithful

Adeste fideles, come all ye faithful it is a Christmas carol on whose authorship there is insufficient evidence for it to be attributed to a specific author.

The only certainty that emerges from the existing documentation is the name of the copyist, who materially transcribed the text and the melody.

It was Sir John Francis Wade, who transcribed it from an Irish folk theme in 1743-1744. 

Francis Wade was a teacher of Latin and religious songs who made his own transcription of this ancient song for the Catholic choir of Douai, a town in northern France, where he resided.

At that time Douai was an important Catholic center of reference and refuge for Catholics persecuted by Protestants in the British Isles.

What is certain is that this hymn is sung on Christmas Eve in many Christian Churches around the world.


Adeste Fideles, laeti triumphantes,

venite venite in Betlem

Natum videte, regem angelorum 

venite adoremus, venite adoremus, 

venite adoremus, Dominum.

En grege relicto, humiles ad cunas,

Vocati pastores adproperant,

et nos ovanti gradu festinemus.

venite adoremus, venite adoremus, 

venite adoremus Dominum.


Oh faithful, come triumphant and joyful

come, come to Bethlehem.

Admire the King of Angels who is born.

Come we adore, come we adore,

come let us adore the Lord.

Here: left the flock

the humble shepherds hurry, called to the cradle.

Let us also hurry with a step of jubilation.

Video – Adeste Fideles

Un abbraccio/ a big Hug

Marcus Dardi


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