A flute to chase away the poppy

Serafino aveva un sifolo

Serafino aveva un sifolo (serafino had a flute) is a cheerful folk song, which over time has been included among children’s nursery rhymes.

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This song was sung by Nanni Svampa, I Cantamilano, Orietta Berti, Maria Monti and many more. 

The origins of this song are distant in time, probably belong to the tradition of the Barbapedana who went around the taverns of the canals starting from the distant 1600.

What is a sifolo? Well, it’s just a squeak, or a pipe, or a flute or a friscaletto or a pipiolu.

It is very similar to a flute but it is much simpler because it is handcrafted in wood. 

Its sound is very similar to that of a whistle.

We just have now to ask ourselves who was this Serafino who played it, but I’m afraid we will never find out..

Video – Serafino aveva un sifolo

Un abbraccio/ a big Hug

Marcus Dardi

[email protected]

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