Watch out for the miller – La mamma di Rosina

In the history of ancient professions, the memory of the very important figure of the miller could not be missing, even in popular song.

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This figure is well mentioned in the song “La mamma di Rosina” which is also entitled as “il Molinaro” (the miller). The song tells of the young Rosina who, going to the mill to make flour grind, receives some “too bold” courtship from the miller.

The mills are ancient buildings where flour or olives, salt, malt or everything needed to grind raw materials was ground.

In ancient times they were human or animal powered, but then around the year 1000 it was discovered that the power of the water by turning a wheel with special blades, placed outside the structure, was much more functional.

Also in the pre-industrial period, windmills were also used. Today, however, electricity is used.

As far as flour grinding is concerned, this technique is very ancient and is part of those discoveries that have allowed for small evolutionary leaps in the history of humanity..

At the dawn of agriculture about 12,000 years ago it was ground in small mortars or rubbing stones. The first rational mills appeared in Greece around the year 1000 BC.

The ancient millstones consisted of two round stones placed one above the other. 

The lower stone with small spoked grooves was fixed while the upper stone turned. The distance between one stone and another as well as the shape and depth of the grooves could vary depending on the use and the miller.

The flours were then sieved to make them more and more pure, the non-sifted or not finely sifted flours were called “whole flours”.

Video – La mamma di Rosina

Un abbraccio/ a big Hug

Marcus Dardi

[email protected]

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