Se g’han de dì (what they have to say)

Since 1600 it is use to make fun of different professions

Se g’han de dì

Se g’han de dì (what they have to say) it is a Milanese folk song that is lost in the origins of the inn chanting tradition. 

The song names several professional figures who are ridiculed.

Over time the text has been repeatedly changed and adapted to current situations, as well as in our version.

Until the 70s it was performed during live concerts in street parties in many places in Northern Italy because this song belongs to the repertoire of Lombard Folk.

The metric of this song is the classic stornello metric.

Already in the Middle Ages it was used to starry in Inns with simple guitars or lutes.

The beauty of these stornello was that everyone invented the verses they wanted and the prettiest ones were then repeated and passed on.

In this song it was used to make fun of the various professions and it could be taken as a satire against the laws on the arts and corporations that so hindered free trade since the Middle Ages.

The lute is a stringed instrument of ancient origins, it is presumed from ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon. It spread widely among the Arabs of the sixth century who brought it to Europe. The word lute derives from its Arabic name al’ud = the wood.

The guitar also derives from the lute family, developed in Italy in the Baroque period but the first guitars date back to 3500 years ago. One was found in the Egyptian tomb of Har-Mose Sen-Mut and some were also found in Persia.

The word guitar comes from the medieval instrument quinterna = from latin quinque=five and from Persian tar = rope.


Un abbraccio / a big hug

Marcus Dardi

Risultato immagini per liuto medioevale

[email protected] 

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