More Italian-Americans in St. Louis facing Ethnic-Slurs

Ciao St Louis will continue to defend our Heritage and expose these people though Social Media and the court system if necessary.

Bill Kennedy, a former councilman and a vocal supporter of the Stephen’s campaign posted as part of a diatribe to the Dillard for Wildwood Facebook page, “And listen to Goombah Joe, the ‘Bowlin Made Man’ from Brooklyn, because he alone has all the answers.”

Excerpt From Kennedy’s 5/21 Post on Dillard for Wildwood FB Page

As President of Ciao St Louis, I find this statement extremely disturbing. “Bowlin Made Man”. I’m not sure if this is made in reference to Organized Crime, or being a successful individual. We seem to have a cancer growing in St. Louis with Ethnic Slurs towards Italian-Americans.

For the complete story see:

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