Chianti Classico

Chianti Classico, with the DOCG classification, is a wine produced in the Italian region of Tuscany mainly in the provinces of Florence and Siena.

It is certainly the best known Italian wine in the world and its origins date back to the thirteenth century.

Marchesi Antinori nel Chianti, apre la nuova cantina a Bargino di ...

Chianti however is not a grapevine, its name derives from the area in which it is grown.

Its main grapevine is Sangiovese at 80-100%. Normally it is produced as a bland with the additions of other grapes for a maximum of 20%.

In order to be a real Chianti, certain rules and characteristics must be respected: the production altitude of this wine must not exceed 700 meters and the soil must not be moist or clayey.

Chianti requires an aging of at least one year.

Its organoleptic characteristics are: clarity, ruby red color, dry, good tannins which over time turn into soft velvety.

Its grapes ripen slowly and completely thanks to the climate in which it grows, a climate with high summer temperatures, high temperature range between day and night, excellent insolation, bright environment.

Over time and with experience the yield of the vines has been lowered to 8 tons per hectare and its alcohol content reaches 12 °.

The classic Chianti recipe is due to the formulation of Baron Bettino Ricasoli who in 1840 made open and public his formula. 70% of Sangiovese, 15% of Canaiolo, 15% of Malvasia and the oenological practice of the Tuscan government that allows a slow refermentation of the freshly drawn wine (separation of wine from marc at the end of fermentation) with grapes from slightly dried grapes.

And I recommend: let’s drink to our health, with modertion.

Un abbraccio/ a big Hug

Marcus Dardi

[email protected]

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